Embodied Dance Therapy

The 1:1 Embodied Dance Therapy sessions are specifically designed for women desiring to reconnect with their femininity, explore their sensual nature, improve their body confidence, and seek support with anxiety, stress or grief from a breakup.

We delve into your personal history and conditioning, identifying and addressing any blocks or limitations that your body may be holding, hindering the full expression of your sensuality.

Together, we embark on a transformative journey where we explore your unique connection to your body, eros, and what it means for you to be a liberated feminine being.

These sessions are absolute-beginner friendly - you do not need to possess any prior dance experience or coordination skills. We focus on simple, authentic movements that your body can naturally feel and absorb.

Dance and movement serve as gateways for self-development and discovering your feminine power. The focus is on the process of self-discovery, self-expression, and healing through movement, rather than on achieving technical dance skills.

Through guidance, verbal cues, imagery, somatic awareness, and self-reflection exercises, you will be invited to listen to your body's wisdom, accessing the emotions, memories, and sensations stored within. This process can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself, increased self-awareness, and the opportunity for emotional release and transformation.

During your session, you will be guided through a series of movement-based exercises, improvisation, breathing and dance techniques tailored specifically to your goals and intentions.

Blending embodied counselling, conscious dance principles, dance transmissions, erotic embodiment coaching, and feminine archetypes - you will be encouraged to connect with your body, release tension, and express yourself authentically.

Embodied Dance Therapy will enhance your body awareness, and establish a healthier relationship with your sensuality which will have a positive impact on your sexuality. You will experience more freedom, confidence, and empowerment in embodying and expressing your sensual power and feminine essence.

1:1 Embodied Dance Therapy Sessions

    • Develop a heightened sense of body awareness and self-perception

    • Cultivate a positive relationship with your body and self-image

    • Reconnect to your femininity and sensual nature

    • Boost self-confidence and express yourself authentically

    • Enhance sexual well-being

    • Deepen your capacity to pleasure both within your bodies and in everyday life

    • Tap into your innate creativity and find new ways to express yourself

    • Discover conscious erotism and how to integrate it into your life

    • Embrace your unique expression of beauty and power

    • Release emotional blockages

    • Foster personal growth and healing

    • Explore and celebrate your sensual power and feminine nature

I love how you can transcend the love for dance to us.
— Lucie

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”

- Martha Graham