Yoni Mapping Bodywork

Yoni Mapping Bodywork is a practice used by Sexological Bodyworkers that is a blend of talk therapy, somatic practices and external and internal massage of the vulva.

Yoni is a Sanskrit term that refers to female genitalia and holds significant symbolic and sacred meanings. The word "Yoni" translates to "source," "womb," or "sacred space" and represents the embodiment of feminine wisdom, fertility, creativity, and divine power.

It aims to release mental and physical tension and release old wounds that are preventing women and vulva owners from fully inhabiting their bodies and discovering their pleasure potential. It isn’t designed as an erotic experience but as an empowering and healing one.

We live in a world where most people are disembodied. It is a regular phenomenon to feel disconnected from our bodies and yoni and be unaware of our erectile tissue—the place with the most potential for pleasure. This lack of feeling called “the Genital Hole” or “sensory-motor amnesia”, is very common among women.

We can hold tension in our pelvic region from everything from uncomfortable or traumatic sexual experiences, to stress and anxiety, to the often numbing environment of visiting a gynecologist, which lower our ability to feel sensation and pleasure. Yoni Mapping Bodywork finds and releases the source of sexual setbacks and unhealthy habits that hide in muscle knots and tightness.

The return of sensation is available through regular mindful touch. Consciously placing attention on specific parts of the body with touch is one way of reclaiming the body’s pleasure capacity.

Yoni Mapping Bodywork

  • 3h Initial session

  • 1.5h Follow-up sessions

  • In-person in Sydney, Bondi Beach

  • Pre-session questionnaire to complete prior to the session

    • Feel empowered by understanding your full anatomy

    • Release tension in your pelvic region

    • Reclaim your body’s pleasure capacity

    • Own your vulva story with love and compassion

    • Learn to identify your body full yes and no

    • Locate your pleasure zones and explore new pleasure strokes

    • Build a mind, heart, and yoni connection

    • Release layers of conditioning and protection holding you back from accessing your body’s wisdom

    • Recover from genital numbness

    • Create a loving and empowered relationship with your vulva

    • Learn at-home practices to continue your journey into full yoni acceptance

  • We start with a conversation about your intentions, sexual experiences, and boundaries, before diving into anatomy education and regulating your nervous system. We then can go onto consent practice, mirror work, and external and internal touch if that feels right for you.

    The hands-on part of the Yoni Mapping Bodywork involves applying finger pressure in a focused, structured way to specific points within the vagina. It is a contemplative practice that uses touch, and pressure to guide your attention to points in the tissues of the vaginal wall. The touch is always guided by you, your consent is a priority throughout the entire session and every touch is up to you. Some first-timers choose to skip any actual hands-on practice until a later sessional and prefer to do breathing and movement release work. You’re welcome to stop at any time and discuss difficult emotions arising.

    My aim is to empower you to come home to your own body and access its wisdom.

Ali helped me feel aligned with myself, my body and my femininity. She helped me gain more confidence in myself and expand my consciousness around my sexuality.
— Lea

“We're in relationship with our body all the time whether we acknowledge it or not. The acknowledgement does make a difference. That which we pay attention to becomes amplified.”

-Chester Mainard